The ambition of TexChain is to analyze and evaluate the conditions and opportunities for a circular system* in the textile industry. This is particularly important as the textile industry is currently classified as one of the most polluted in the world.

TexChain - for circular value chains in the textile industry

The ambition of TexChain is to analyze and evaluate the conditions and opportunities for a circular system* in the textile industry. This is particularly important as the textile industry is currently classified as one of the most polluted in the world.

TexChain is a feasibility study that will create the conditions for collaboration between all parties throughout the chain of actors, from raw material producers to recycling actors. The interest from the industry is great and as many as twelve companies from the business community together with research institutes such as RISE are involved in the project. The project is part of the development within one of Wargön Innovation's focus areas - Textile**.

Objectives of the project

Clearly clarify the conditions, needs and benefits of circular flows and increase dissemination within the industry to attract additional project partners to the next phase.

* Circular system: A circular economy is a system that seeks to recreate products, components and materials and keep them in the system with the highest possible value over time.  

** Other areas are Agriculture and health care.

The facts


Project owner: Wargön Innovation
Project participants: The Loop Factory, Blåkläder, Martinssons konfektion, Bogesunds Väveri, Fabric Resource Sweden, GW logistics, Horda Stans, Kasthall Group, N Å Formtextil, RISE, Re:Newcell, Sporda Nonwoven, TEKO, Texla, Tranemo Textil fff

Project duration: 2018-2019
Budget: 811 900 SEK
Funder: Vinnova

Project manager: Maria Ström, Wargön Innovation